Category Archives: nunns yard

Yallops gallery, Norwich.

My brother, the furniture designer (and much else besides), Anthony George has refurbished a property in Norwich and opened a new gallery there by the name of Yallops Gallery.
The current exhibition there is Paul Bommer and his ‘Sack & Sugar’ show of limited edition prints and delft tiles. The private view is tonight April 12th and the show is only on this weekend, so hurry!
Yallops Yard, 59, St Augustine’s Street, Norwich, NR3 3BG.

Tony George

Recently I visited Tony George (my brother) who lives in Norfolk. He is a maker/designer, but that title really doesn’t do him justice. He has made interesting sculptures which he has all over his house, -a house which he designed and built almost single handed. He has a natural sense of design and can apply himself to any task. He is currently refurbishing two properties in Norwich with the intention of opening a gallery and a shop.