Category Archives: flowers

Bircham gallery solo exhibition March 2015

It has been a long time since I posted on my blog. I have been super busy painting over thirty new paintings for my solo exhibition at Bircham Gallery in Holt, Norfolk

A number of the paintings in the exhibition include book covers. I started painting them because I was inspired by the beautiful patterns of vintage books, especially King Penguins and children’s Picture Puffins. It began when I discovered some music books with amazing covers in a local charity shop,

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I researched the designer (Stephen Russ) and found out later that he had taught my mum at College in the sixties. I have recently been looking at the covers of the New naturalist series which were designed by Rosemary and Clifford Ellis.

Screen Shot 2014-11-26 at 19.38.47Butterflies

Here are a few paintings that are in the exhibition;

Debbie George. Found Larch and nest Debbie George. Seashore life Debbie George. The Wren Debbie George. Yellow Wagtail


In my paintings over the years, a particular motif might hold my attention over a number of paintings. It may have been wooden animals, feathers, book covers, sailboats or certain ceramics. Recently, I have found that birds have appeared quite a bit and the flower which I’m most drawn to right now is the Crocus.
I find the colours so joyful, and at a time where everything else is so grey and we are all wishing for spring to arrive, I think they bring a little brightness.

Spring flowers.

Springtime has come later than normal here due to the heavy snow. Now that the snow has finally gone, the flowers are coming up in the garden and inspiring me to paint some new still lives.
This is a lovely time of year and seeing these flowers coming through after being buried under eighteen inches of snow only a few weeks ago is a joy.

Exhibition photos

I was in Norfolk on Tuesday and Wednesday and got to see my own show for the first time. Chris and Debby from the gallery have done a really nice job and hung the paintings very well. We spent some time talking with them and looking round. Chris said that sales had gone really well, with six sold before the show even opened.
The show continues until the 17th of April at Bircham Gallery, Holt, Norfolk.


Over the last year I have been introducing more animal imagery into my work: Cats, dogs and birds etc, but recently I have been looking at Victorian illustrations of Rabbits. Coincidentally, my husband, the photographer Andrew Sanderson had photographed a toy rabbit belonging to a friend’s (Jo Aylward) daughter. With it being Easter Sunday, I thought I’d share them with you….